Q: How long have you been wrestling?
A: I have been wrestling pretty much my whole life, but I did not get into it competitively until my 7th grade year.
Q: What is your favorite thing about wrestling?
A: My favorite thing about wrestling is the relationships that come out of it. All of the people I have met through wrestling are the best people. Also, how much it teaches you. It teaches you to be a good person and how to be disciplined.
Q: Who introduced you to the sport?

A: My dad introduced me to wrestling. He owns a wrestling gym so I have always been surrounded by wrestling my whole life.
Q: Do you plan to wrestle in college?
A: Yes, I do plan to wrestle in college. I am committed to wrestle at Grand View University.
Q: What is the most challenging part of wrestling?
A: The most challenging part of wrestling is having a good mindset when you’re not feeling it. Practices on bad days are not always the best, but I try to keep a good mindset!
Q: What is your favorite hype song to play before a match?
A: My favorite hype song has to be either “All of the Lights” by Kanye West or Yae Energy by “Lil Yachty.”
Q: What has encouraged you to continue wrestling?
A: The people I surround myself with encourage me the most. They are always there to support me through everything.
Q: Who has been your biggest inspiration/role model?
A: My biggest role model has to be my brother-in-law, John Nicholson. He is also a coach for SEP. He has taken me under his wing the most since my high school career started and has taught me a lot of things. Honestly, I would not be where I am today without him.
Q: What advice would you give to younger girls getting involved in the sport?
A: Some advice I would give is to just try it. With the sport growing so much there are so many opportunities to get started.
Q: What is your favorite memory from wrestling?
A: My favorite memory is wrestling at State my freshman year or when I traveled to France to wrestle.