According to, “[There have been] 6,503 marijuana-related hospital emergency department visits in… [Iowa].”
Do students know the harms of drugs? Or what to do when someone is struggling to quit? Do they know what Southeast Polk and other school districts are doing to help?
According to the Oxford Dictionary, the definition of ‘drug’ is “a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.”
Non-prescription drugs are extremely harmful for the people who are using them. Some effects of using drugs are changes in behavior like mood swings,insomnia, memory problems, and even your diet can be affected.
According to, “Iowa is ranked 35th in illicit drug use and 48th in overdose deaths in the United States as of 2023”. This means Iowa is doing decent when it comes to drug use, however, it is still a problem in the state and in schools.
Every adult in the Southeast Polk school district is trying to keep students from using drugs and vapes. They are using different tactics to prevent students from using them.
Some approaches used at Southeast Polk are the use of vape detectors in all the bathrooms, suspension when students get caught using drugs and vapes, and legal issues if it becomes necessary.
According to, “Some students may use substances as a way to escape from all the stress; others may take certain drugs to try and boost academic performance…”.
Student Resource Officer, Carl Savage, said addiction to and usage of drugs is caused by the cool factor and peer pressure. Students want to please their friends and the people around them, but addiction comes with the usage of drugs, so the students continue using them.
“[If your friend or someone you know is using drugs, you] should encourage them to stop and to find what they need to quit,” said Savage.
If a friend has a substance abuse disorder, get them help right away. Students should refer them to an adult or someone who is specialized in drug treatment and addiction.
When someone refers someone else to a counseling service or adult, it may feel like they aren’t doing anything to help their friend recover. Well, here’s some things they can do to help.
Students can express how their friend’s addiction impacts them. However, be sure not to judge and have a calm voice and appearance. They can show empathy and compassion towards their friend, but also be sure to set boundaries of behaviors, words, and actions that are not tolerable. Sometimes people think it is harsh to set boundaries, but they are very important in any relationship. People also have to make sure they don’t go back on their words. This can be scary if you are not a professional who specializes in drug addiction.
There is also a substance abuse hotline that helps with crises regarding mental health. That number is 988. If someone is struggling to quit, but wants to quit, this may be helpful. The key phrase is ‘want to quit’. If someone doesn’t want to quit, they most likely won’t. However, you should still try to give them the resources and assistance they need.
Savage also has ‘quit kits’ he can give people who are struggling to quit. They have things that help with the craving for drugs and vapes. For example, when students crave the motion of putting a vape in their mouth, the quit kit suggests you put a piece of gum or a mint in your mouth instead. It tricks the brain into thinking that you put the vape in your mouth when they didn’t. It also has fidgets students can use so they have something to do with their hands.
Savage is hoping for complete elimination regarding drug usage in schools and the country, but it is not that simple.
“Based on current trend lines the usage of drugs is increasing, it is just becoming a bigger problem at lower grade levels, but I think we can help as a society,” said Savage. “Any age group can use it and it doesn’t have the same gasping effect as a cigarette. [For example,] vapes are softer on the lungs and cause a quicker addiction.”
Current trend lines do show that drug usage is increasing. For example, marijuana usage is becoming more and more popular with students.
According to the, “About 1 in 16 high school seniors use marijuana every day.”
But as Savage said, society can help with the usage of drugs like marijuana and vapes. Schools can create educational programs to teach and educate students about drugs and their harms. Schools can also educate parents on how to monitor and communicate with their students and the usage of drugs.
Communities can help by creating their own program for people that teaches them about drugs and skills training as well.
“Drugs are bad. It’s a short term fix to a long term consequence. Using drugs and vapes now because of stress or peer pressures have a long term effect and not only on the body,” said Savage