Artist of the Month: Emily Lauters

Q: What Instrument do you play?
A: I play the flute and piccolo in Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band. I also sing in Chamber.
Q: What piece/s are you currently working or getting ready for and what do you enjoy most about it/them?
A: Right now I am preparing a solo for the various contests/auditions [that] I plan on participating in soon. I enjoy the piece I chose because of how flashy it is and how easy it is for an audience to get into and enjoy.
Q: What has been one of the most complicated things about playing during a global pandemic?
A: It’s hard to have perspective about what you’re doing when you don’t have a lot of the normal collaboration in music that we would have. You don’t get to be taught in the most ideal way from all kinds of teachers, hear what your peers/competition sounds like, or perform a whole lot. Despite that, I think that it has been a really good time to find your sound and improve yourself without any distractions.
Q: What have you enjoyed the most about playing this year?
A: I’ve enjoyed being able to take the lead within my section and try to set a good example for the people who want to get better, but aren’t sure how.
Q: As a senior, what can you look back on and say you’re most proud of?
A: I am most proud of where I used to be and how much I’ve grown over the past year or so.
Q: On average how much do you practice, and what do you usually do in these practices?
A: I usually practice around three hours a day. I have a routine that I do that helps build on every aspect of my playing, with the goal in mind that I strengthen any weaknesses I have so that everything is equal.
Q: What made you want to start playing an instrument?
A: I just liked how being able to play an instrument was portrayed in the media and I thought it was cool to be fluent in a skill like that.
Q: Do you plan on continuing to play in college?
A: I plan on building a career in music, whether it be in the actual playing of an instrument or not, that way I can continue to play my instrument even if that’s not the main thing I’m doing.
Q: How has playing an instrument impacted your life?
A: It has given me something to get better at and strive for, and has prevented me from burning out or giving up and just taking the easy path.
Q: Do you have any advice for younger players?
A: I would advise younger players to be curious and always ask for help. Something as simple as starting private lessons would make you way better than you could be without, the same with asking for extra help or asking questions. Some of the biggest ways I’ve improved have been because I asked a band director to listen to me play something, or because I asked my private instructor a question and got advice on something they never would have mentioned. Not only does this put you ahead of the others, but it shows that you’re interested and worth paying attention to.