Musician Of The Month: Ronald Harmon

Q: What instruments do you play?
A: I play trumpet, trombone, tuba, and bass trombone.
Q: What bands are you a part of?
A: I am in every band here, Pit, and Show band, but I am not in Jazz 2.
Q: Why did you join band?
A: My parents forced me to join.
Q: What do you like about band?
A: It’s a nice escape from school day and playing is fun. If you practice a lot, you will notice improvement.
Q: What is your favorite memory about band?
A: Being a drum major and conducting at Valleyfest or live on TV.
Q: What do you like about your directors?
A: They are very good teachers. They make it fun and enjoyable. If you ever need to talk to someone, they are someone you can go to.
Q: Why should people join band?
A: It’s a nice way to meet people and a new experience.
Q: What advice do you have for future musicians?
A: Practice scales even if they suck. It will help so much.
Q: Do you plan to do band in college?
A: Yes.