Jack Deahl is Cool!

One of our fine arts students, Jack Deahl, has been accepted into The Jazz Band of America. Deahl has been playing in the Southeast Polk wind ensemble, and jazz one for two years. He also has been playing in the Southeast Polk marching band for three years, playing drums and different percussion instruments in all ensembles. With Deahl’s years of experience he has been accepted into The Jazz Band of America which he attends to perform in the Clowse Memorial Hall in Indianapolis on March 31st-April 2nd.
This award isn’t handed out very often; only a few with the musicianship in them and dedication will set them apart from the rest. The first time this award was ever handed out at Southeast Polk was to trumpet and piano player Nate Sparks in 2012, therefore, this is a high achievement for a jazz player to receive. Although it sounds nice, it was not easy for Deahl to achieve. Deahl states that he had to go through an audition process in order to receive the award.
“I had to send in a video audition, for the drum set audition a lot of times you will have to demonstrate different groves to play, they also had one required tune that I had to play, and then an addition to the grooves and the required tune they picked,” said Deahl.
There were multiple audition videos sent in from all over the country, but only 18 could get in. Deahl was given the choice to play a tune of his choosing which set him apart from the rest.
“Getting accepted came from picking a specific tune that showed my unique techniques,” said Deahl.
He’s glad that he gained experience from past years to get him here. Thus, it will lead him to a great performance March 31st-April 2nd.
“Once you practice for a long time that’s one thing, but experience can lead you to different opportunities, with honor bands and school bands. Experience is just as important as practicing, if not more,” said Deahl.
Deahl is very excited about the event and can’t wait to meet the other 17 band members that he will be joining to perform an exciting night with.
Isaac Harper • Oct 11, 2023 at 10:31 am
go jack!