Q&A with Athletic Director Jayson Campbell
Q: What is your name and title?
A: Jayson Campbell, SEPHS Activities Director.

Q: What is your role when it comes to COVID-19 and sports?
A: I work with our activities and sports to develop plans for practices and competitions to take place in accordance with the guidance we have received from the various sanctioning bodies and health agencies.
Q: What are the current protocols for sports? (For both athletes and fans.)
A: In a nutshell: Wear a mask whenever possible, social distance whenever possible, sanitize/wash hands whenever possible. There are more details, but the basics are always the same.
Q: What is the Athletic Department doing to help students and coaches stay safe and informed?
A: Following guidelines given to us by the IHSAA/IGHSAU and the Polk County Department of Public Health.
Q: What is the school/Athletic Department doing to keep fans engaged/student morale up through sports?
A: We are live streaming events, increasing social media engagement, and doing what we can for seniors this year to be able to attend.
Q: What can athletes do to ensure the seasons run smoothly?
A: Follow the basics when they are at school AND away from school.
Q: How are the fall sports teams reacting to/coping with the current rules?
A: Our athletes and coaches are coping as best they can. It is a challenge for everyone to continue to remain vigilant and to be proactive in regards to the recommended protocols.
Q: How can students be a part of sports events without physically attending them?
A: Students can watch online when events are live-streamed.
Q: How can students stay up to date with announcements pertaining to sports?
A: Follow the activities twitter @SEPolkRams, use the Varsity Bound app, or the Cimlcentral.org website.
Q: What can winter sports athletes expect for their upcoming seasons?
A: Likely, guidelines similar to fall sports.
Q: What is one thing students should keep in mind when thinking about this school year?
A: Nobody likes this, but it is important to try to take care of each other. This is all part of that. Be patient and understanding. Decisions made at this time are rarely popular, but they are made with the long view of what is best to hopefully get us back to normal as soon as possible.
Q: Why is it important for students to follow sports guidelines? (beyond staying healthy)
A: I would say that is the biggest factor. Staying healthy and being able to continue to compete.