Boys’ Rugby Prepares for Final Game
SEP Boys Rugby final normal season game will be played May 6th against Des Moines Roosevelt, and Des Moines Lincoln at home.
On May 13, 2022 In West Des Moines at the old Valley Stadium, the boys high school rugby state championships will be held. With 8 state championships, the boys will be looking for a 9th title led by head coach Brent Wheeler.
“Brent Wheeler is the head coach, he played rugby professionally and opened up the rugby team for Southeast Polk in 2012. He’s won a championship every year except 2021 and he wants another for us this year,” said junior Jack Kenworthy.

Kenworthy, returning for his second season, joined the rugby team last year and had only positive things to say.
“I didn’t join freshman year because I was worried about the running aspect, but sophomore year I joined and I really love it,” said Kenworthy.
Kenworthy plays on the varsity team and is looking forward to state qualifying and the state championships this year.
“My best memories are at state qualifying. We play at the Des Moines Rugby Club and then move to the old Valley Stadium for state. Our team goal every year is to win state every year,” said Kenworthy.
In preparation for the state championship, the boys follow a strict and specific schedule for practice.
“We show up around 4:30 to warm up and do everyday drills, then around 5 will start conditioning which leads into passing and line drills. At the end we will finish with a scrimmage or small game similar to two hand touch,” said senior Warren Walls.
Walls is playing rugby for the first time this year. He says he regrets not joining sooner.
“It’s a very fun sport, and it’s a great environment to get to know new people. My favorite part is getting to play against so many different teams,” said Walls.
With the post season approaching, Wheeler and the boy rugby team will continue to work hard in hopes of reaching their goal, along with recruiting for next season.