October Athlete of the Month: Hannah Schwemm

Q: How long have you been playing?
A: Since 5th grade- I started travel club ball in 8th grade.
Q: What position do you play?
A: Setter.
Q: What are your plans after highschool?
A: I am going to Kenyon College in Ohio to continue my academic and volleyball career.
Q: Do you play any other sports besides volleyball?
A: Yes, golf.
Q: What is your fav part about volleyball?
A: I love the relationships and connections that I get to make with the girls that I play with. We always have fun and support each other on and off the court. When I am on the court, nothing beats the adrenaline rush I get after a great pass turns into a great set and ends in a crazy kill from one of my hitters. I enjoy celebrating others and knowing that I helped them achieve these awesome results.
Q: Do you play club ball?
A: I have played club ball at IPVA since 8th grade, and I will be returning again for one last season my senior year.
Q: What about this season has been special?
A: Senior year makes a lot of things feel simultaneously super special and extremely bittersweet. I am lucky enough to play with girls that I have known for years, and everyone on the team gets along and jives super well. It’s going to be so so hard to say goodbye to these girls, but that’s how you know that there’s something special.