Athlete of the Month: Grace Larkins

Q: How long have you played Basketball?
A: Since kindergarten.
Q: How is the season going?
A: Really good. It’s still pretty new, but everything is coming together and we’re excited for our first game.
Q: What does practice look like?
A: It’s a lot of conditioning, and running. We go through defenses, offenses, and the basics.
Q: What are some difficulties the team goes through?
A: Getting back into it after a bad possession and COVID in general with wearing our masks during practice.
Q: Do you have a pregame ritual?
A: Brooklyn [Dailey] and I always get Jimmy Johns and dance in the locker room. I also write GYFHO on my hand.
Q: What is your goal for the season?
A: Win a state championship.
Q: What is your favorite memory from playing basketball?
A: Beating Dowling my sophomore year at Wells Fargo to make it to the state championship.
Q: How does the other sports your play help you during basketball season?
A: It definitely helps keep me in shape and run the court better.
Q: If you could give advice to the younger girls on your team what would it be?
A: To be more vocal even when you’re younger because I went through that but the team is better when everyone leads and talks.
Q: What do you do outside of practice to continue your training?
A: I do a lot of other workouts and skill workouts with the MyerHoops.
Q: What do you love about basketball?
A: It’s just really fun and it’s a good way to meet new friends.
Q: Anything else to add?
A: Go Rams!