Artist of the Month: Delaney Koogler

Senior Delaney Koogler.

Q: What art classes have you taken at Southeast Polk?

A: I’ve taken pretty much all of them, minus a few.

Q: What class has been your favorite to take and why?

A: I liked Art 3. We did a pastel drawing and I liked how that turned out. You do a lot more than just drawing.

Q: What’s been the biggest challenge so far in all of your art classes?

A: Having confidence in my own art.

Q: What’s been your biggest motivation for taking all of the art classes you have taken? 

A: I want to do something with art for college and my career; I just like art.

Q: Do you spend much of your free time working on your art outside of school?

A: I work on stuff for my family. I did a drawing of my aunt’s dogs for her a while ago.

Q: Have you ever entered any of your art into competitions before?

A: No, I haven’t. I would though.

Q: What are some goals you have for your art this year?

A: My goals for this year is to be more confident and to try new things.

Q: Do you have any advice for any younger artists?

A: I’d say to take as many classes as you can because you never know what you’ll end up liking.