Many students drive to school and must navigate the high school and junior high parking lot each day.
Despite low speeds and seemingly low risk, parking lots can be a dangerous place for drivers. According to nsc.org, 20% of crashes occur in parking lots.
According to ParkingLogix.com, “Drivers are often concentrating on trying to find a spot, making it harder to react in time to avoid a crash. The low speeds people travel at in parking areas often lead drivers to feel complacent, assuming that they are safe and don’t need to focus as much as they would on a typical roadway.”
Parking lots are at high risk for distracted driving. According to a survey conducted by the National Safety Council, at least 50% of drivers admitted to texting, making phone calls, and using social media while driving in parking lots.
Junior Kyra Ballard drives herself to school everyday and recognizes that it is important to pay attention in parking lots.
“It is important to pay attention in parking lots because you never know when someone is going to pull out. Even if you have a backup camera it can be hard to pay attention to your surroundings,” said Ballard.
Speeding is a common issue in parking lots. Although it may feel slow, it is important to follow speed limits in parking lots.
According to AmericanFamilyInsurance.com, “In most scenarios, driving at a speed of, say, 20 miles per hour wouldn’t be a big deal. But with pedestrians everywhere and cars potentially pulling out in front of you, speed (even a number you would normally consider to be quite slow) can cause serious problems.”
Being careful and considerate can help lower the chances of a parking lot accident. Dealing with heavy traffic can be daunting, but being aware of surroundings can go a long way.
“I pay close attention to surrounding areas and make sure I can park somewhere with enough room without hitting cars next to me,” said Ballard.
In case of a parking accident, it is important to be prepared. An accident can happen to anyone and it can be intimidating to deal with.
In the event of an accident, it is a good idea to call the police. Even if the accident is minor and no one got hurt, it is still helpful to get a police report. A police report can document what happened and is useful in determining whose fault the accident was.
Exchanging information such as contact information, addresses, and the type of vehicles involved can be helpful when filing an insurance claim as well as taking pictures of the damage.
It is always important to be safe while driving, especially in parking lots where it may be tempting to get distracted or bend the rules.