Uke can do it! New Ukulele Club welcomes new members, regardless of experience

Elise Keuning, Sage Etling, and Lillian Gilroy with their instruments after a Ukulele Club meeting. Alyssa Williams photo.


Ukulele Club meets on late start Wednesdays from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. in Jenny Crawford’s room 163. The club was started by junior Sage Etling.

  “I was inspired last year to start a Ukulele Club, when I realized I had a hobby that I really liked, and I wanted to share it,” said Etling.

Etling has been playing ukulele for a few years now.

“I started playing the ukulele after I got it as a gift from my mom and I was like wow, I really like it, so I kept playing it.” said Etling.

The club is a group of students practicing ukuleles together. Sage leads and teaches her peers new things.

“The goal is to combine everyone’s knowledge, get people who know how to teach, people who don’t know and be able to share cool things together” said Etling.

Members do not have to have a ukulele or know how to play.

“We have a couple extra ukuleles and we also are thinking of doing a fundraiser to buy more so we are able to include more people,” said Etling.

Ukulele Club is good for anyone who needs a little extra motivation to get through their school day.

“Ukulele Club is a good stress reliever because I can strum out all my anger,” said Etling.

Ukulele Club accepts any members or visitors who want to listen to some music. Etling also says that the ukulele is a very simple instrument to get better at, and members of the club learn quickly, but all at their own pace.

“People should join if they have any interest in the ukulele or string instruments, it is super easy and fun,” said Etling.

Etling loves to share her hobbies with the people around her.

“My favorite part of Ukulele Club is that I get to do it with my friends and talk about different kinds of music,” said Etling.

She welcomes everyone and thinks more people should join.

“If people are interested in learning about ukulele’s or that type of music they can come in and watch,” said Etling.