Rampage Senior Farwells: A Goodbye from Our Junior Staff Members

Madison Duong

Seniors, there are so many things that I want to say that I wish I could in person. I vividly remember our last fifth period class together, and not once did it cross my mind that we wouldn’t see each other again. I 100% thought that once we returned from spring break, we would just pick up where we left off. You guys were the glue that held our class together with your leadership. I will never forget the support and laughter that you all gave me. I look back at the fantastic year we shared together with a huge smile on my face. Whatever you have planned for the future, I know you will succeed. Every single one of you is unique in your own way and will use your talents to change the world for the better. I hope we’re all able to keep in touch. I will miss you guys so much. Thank you for everything that you’ve done for Rampage!

Alex Moats

Seniors, first of all I miss you guys so so much. I never really got the chance to say goodbye to all of you, but just know I love and appreciate you all! We all have bonded so much and I couldn’t imagine my first year of Rampage going any other way. We have shared so many laughs, and cries, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Rampage was the class I looked forward to every day and I’m so sad it got cut short. Thank you for all the help, support, and love. You all hold a special place in my heart and I will miss all of you so much next year!

Grace Touney

Looking back on my first year on Rampage brings many, many thoughts, but the most overwhelming one is of the connections that were created because of this class. It’s sad our time was cut short, but the friendships I’ve made with all of you, especially seniors, makes me very grateful. I’m not the most popular or smart, but I like to make people laugh, and I hope I did that for some of you. From having Hannah be concerned over my insanity brought from InDesign, to Madelyn catching me in the back of her pictures, I truly hope we all get to cherish these times and memories as the years go on. All of you will forever be friends, and I can’t wait to see where your future takes you! Sending lots of love to you all!

Alyssa Williams

Dear Seniors, my first year of Rampage was amazing. After not being able to play sports, I questioned if I would ever get to be a part of a team again. But, you all accepted me and made me feel welcome every day. The environment in our classroom and all of your happy vibes gave me a reason to come to school everyday. 

Hannah: I loved having lunch with you every day and always feeling like I could talk to you. The strange looks me and Grace would get from you always made me laugh. 

Sadie: From walking the track after class and talking about everything, to screaming at the top of my lungs for your help on InDesign, I will forever be grateful.

Jasmin: Even though you joined at semester I loved having you on staff. Your attitude each day and willingness to add in your own ideas made Rampage a better place. 

Taylor: I started eating with you all a little late into second semester and you instantly made me feel welcome. I loved all of our group talks and I will miss it all so much next year. 

Meredith: At the beginning of this year, you were my pages teacher. You were always so willing to help me even if I asked the same question 15 times. Thank you for being a great teacher and always helping me. 

Maddie: Every day you came into class you had a smile on your face. Whatever you go through, you push it off like it’s nothing and you inspired me every day to be a better and more positive person.

Cayden Johnson

Dear Seniors,

When I was approached with the idea of writing a goodbye letter, I was excited to impart wisdom amongst a group that will probably make it further than I will. So, with something this important, I decided to handle it like I do my other papers: I put it off for most of the time period and late last night I cracked open three Monsters and played a couple of hours of Grand Theft Auto. Then, I opened a blank document and with the help of Grammarly, I got cracking. 

I would like to first express how sorry I am that you, the class of 2020, missed out on so much: a month of school, prom, graduation, and most importantly another month of my hilarious jokes, witted personality, and good looks. If you wish to cross the stage, I recommend downloading the Sims game. You can have it any way you want it to be at a cheaper price. Want streamers? Have at it! You can have a party any size and as grand as you would like. For example, you can have an ice cream cake. Go nuts!   

The first thing you should learn from my all-knowing mind is that life is not fair. You should already know this since your graduation party will be held via Skype, but know that the world will knock you down in ways you can’t imagine. You should not, however, let those beatings get in the way of your success. Success does not come easy. I learned that when I had to fight my dog for the last turkey leg one time. So go out in the world and give it your best shot. 

Another thing that you should know is to expect failure. You will not always get what you want on your first attempt. And if you do fail, learn from your mistakes and try again. If I learned anything from the greatest teacher of all time, Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus, is that mistakes are amazing teachers. So do not deny The Friz!

While you may be reading this while disappointed you can’t rock your caps and gowns, know this is a proud moment. You can now set off into the world (not literally, remember social distancing) and be the person you want to be all while wearing sweatpants. Not many people can do that.  You can now say you earned your high school diploma in the comfort of your own bedroom. 

What is something you can take away from this letter? You probably figured it out by now: mostly nothing. So I would like to close with some quotes I learned while watching TV as a kid because mentally I am still a little kid: 

“Please put your seats back in the upright positions.” -Launchpad McQuack

“Believe in yourselves. Try. Do good.” -Mr. Feeny

“You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try.” -Homer Simpson

Maddy Streepy

This year has definitely been one to remember…or forget, whichever one you prefer. We got a huge new staff at the beginning of the year and I am so proud of all the progress they made. Many of the seniors in the class with us I have known for three years. Thinking back on everything now, those three years have felt like an eternity spent with you guys. I was also very happy to meet the new seniors that joined our staff this year. You guys are part of what makes the Rampage whole. I mean, where else are we going to get our OTMs from or our ideas where we need seniors. Next year, it will be me that helps to come up with that stuff and I know that I can never fill the shoes you guys have left. I love you all and I know you guys will go on to do great things.

Abby VanHorn

I can’t believe it’s the end of another year of Rampage and the time where we all have to say goodbye to some of our staff. Being able to work with the seniors the past two years has been such a great experience and a time where I was able to grow so much and make so many great memories. You all are extremely talented and I know your talents will carry you far in life and I can’t wait to see wherever they take you. Even though our time together didn’t end how we expected it to, I think the time we did have together makes up for all of the bad luck we have experienced these past few months. I can’t wait to see all of the things you guys accomplish in the future, we will miss you!